How Alcohol Affects Your Chances of Getting Pregnant

Oct 11, 2022 |

There are many issues that may affect your chances of getting pregnant. Along with stress and smoking, alcohol is also a factor that can decrease your chances of conceiving. Not only can alcohol affect your fertility, it can affect your partner’s fertility as well. To increase your chances of getting pregnant, limiting or eliminating your alcohol intake, especially if you think you might already be pregnant, is a great place to begin.

It has been proven that alcohol, when heavily consumed, can cause hormonal imbalances. The hormonal imbalance can affect your menstrual cycle and, by association, your ovulation cycle making it difficult for you to conceive. In addition, men who are moderate to heavy drinkers tend to experience low sperm count or low mobility of sperm movement. All of these are factors when trying to conceive.

Women who drink large amounts of alcohol, especially those over 30, can take up to twice as long to conceive as women who do not drink at all or who drink very seldom. If you have reached this age and are trying to conceive, it is a good idea to minimize or eliminate alcohol altogether. It may be difficult, especially if it is a frequent event. However, you wouldn’t drink while pregnant so it is good to maintain the mentality of what it will be like to be pregnant. At the very least you’re preparing yourself for when you do conceive.

If you find that eliminating alcohol is a problem for you, it is best to speak with a counselor. Counselors can help you create a plan of action to eliminate alcohol from your diet and keep you alcohol free. Alcohol dependency is an issue that should definitely be resolved before attempting to conceive. Since alcohol can be detrimental to conception and pregnancy, taking action sooner rather than later is recommended.

Categories: : conception, Fitness, Nutrition, OolaFamily

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