Parenting Your New Human

You Cannot Hold Them Too Much

Discover what to expect from your birth partner and other birth support team members. Birth is not a spectator sport. If you're allowing someone to be in your sacred birth space, they have work to do.

Becoming a parent for the first time can be scary. It's made a bit worse when you question the way you were raised. Will you be a "good" parent?  

Make no mistake about do not have to make the same parenting choices your parents made. 

My mom shared with me the following: "There are no good or bad parents. There are only effective and ineffective parents. The truth is that we are all both at one time or another. The trick is to discover how to be an effective parent most of the time."  

This course is your chance to learn some things your parents may have never known. 

This Course is Included in
Embracing Birth: whole-istic
childbirth education

Course Topics

  • Parenting 101
  • $47 USD

    You are the only expert for your child. Discover how to tap into your own inner wisdom while also keeping an open mind.

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Buy Angie's Book
to support your journey

This course has it's foundation inside my book, Embracing Birth: wholistic childbirth education (a home study course). It's a great addition for those taking this course.